Friday, September 27, 2013


Let's Do This Fitness is launching LesMills GRIT tomorrow at 11AM!  It's FREE and we are the only facility in the Denver Metro area to offer this AMAZING program!  Also, we have the only GRIT Coaches in town!  Meet and workout with them for FEE!  Space is limited so arrive 15 minutes early to reserve your spot!  Let's Do This...TOGETHER!!!

Friday, September 20, 2013

***ATTENTION*** NO 5:30p or 6:30p Classes Today

No hay clases está noche. Tenemos la fiesta GRATIS para celebrar el cumpleaños de Keith y nuestra señal nueva a las 7. Trae un plato de comida para compartir. Nos vemos esta noche!

Thursday, September 19, 2013

NO 5:30p or 6:30p Classes this Friday (02/20/13)

There will be NO 5:30p Zumba or 6:30p BodyPump classes this Friday, September 20, 2013.  We will be celebrating Keith Williams' birthday and Let's Do This Fitness new sign!  Join us from 7p til 9p...or later ;-).  It's potluck style and FREE, so bring a dish and Let's Do This...Together!!

Friday, September 13, 2013

Friday's Fitness Lineup!

See you this evening at 5:30p for Zumba with Tawnya Williams and 6:30p for BodyPump with Kevin Burkett! Awesome instructors and programs!  Now, Let's Do This...Together!!!

See you in Class TODAY!!!

We are holding all classes today!  Use sound judgement when driving and be safe.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

CLASS CANCELLATIONS: 09/12/13 Due to Weather

ALL classes have been canceled TODAY (Thur, September 12, 2013) due to inclement weather.  Normal schedule will resume tomorrow!  Our apologies for the inconvenience.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Spanish-GRIT Launch Sept. 28, 2013, at 11AM

Let's Do This (LDT) Fitness PONDRA EN MARCHA LesMills GRIT el 28 de septiembre, 2013, a las 11:00 am.!! Únete a nosotros a una sesión gratis, nuestro estudio será el ÚNICO en el área Metropolitana de Denver para llevar esta ciencia basada en un programa seguro y efectivo. El espacio es limitado así que llegue temprano."

GRIT Launch -Sept 28, 2013, @ 11AM

Let's Do This (LDT) Fitness will LAUNCH LesMills GRIT on September 28, 2013, at 11AM!  Join us for a FREE session!  Our studio will be the ONLY facility in the Denver Metro area to carry this science based, effective, and safe program.  Space is limited so arrive early. 

Monday, September 2, 2013

Regular Schedule 4 Labor Day

Fitness Lineup:
9:30a-Zumba w/Keith
6:00p-Zumba w/Keith & Tawnya
7:00p-BodyPump form/technique
7:15p-7:45p-BodyPump Express w/Keith